Controls - How to enter and display Office/Microsoft 365 email addresses with a combo box
When building data entry screens, a common requirement is to simplify the entry of email addresses by providing a combo box that displays all the email addresses that are available throughout the Microsoft/Office 365 tenant. This post describes the formula to build and configure this type of combo box.
The data structure for our sample app

Setting the items of a Combo box to display Office 365 email addresses
To configure the combo box so that it shows matching email addresses as
the user types into the control, we set the items property of the combo
box to the following formula.

Finally, we can set the SelectMultiple property to false. This configures the combo box to allow the selection of a single email address only.
Configuring the form to save the email address
To update the form so that it correctly saves the email address, we set the update property of the card to:

Setting the value of the combo box for existing records
To update the form so that it correctly displays the email address for existing values, we set the DefaultSelectedItems property of the combo box control to:

Because the DefaultSelectedItems property expects a table value, we call the Table function to construct a table that consists of a single record with a field name called Mail that contains the email address for the record.
Note that to set the selected item of a combo box, it's not possible to use the default property. We must use the DefaultSelectedItems property as shown here.
What happens when a user leaves an organisation?
Because we set the DefaultSelectedItems of the combo box to a table that we constructed with a single email address (rather than lookup the email with the Office365Users connector), the advantage of this is that the combo box control will still show existing email address that no longer available through the Office365Users connector.Conclusion
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