Dataverse - How to set yes no values with checkbox- Walkthrough
This post walks through how to set a Dataverse yes/no field with a checkbox rather than a dropdown.
This post walks through an example of how to set Dataverse yes/no fields with a checkbox.
Setting up an example app and form
For this example, let's take a table called 'Project' with a yes/no field named 'IsUrgent'.
From the Apps section of the Power Apps portal, we'll select the 'Start with data' option to create an app based on the Project table.
The generated app uses a combo box in the form to display the IsUrgent field; there is no way to select a checkbox.
Here are the steps to convert the combobox to checkbox.
Step 1 - Replace the combobox with a checkbox
From the designer, unlock the card and delete the combobox control.
Insert a checkbox control called chkIsUrgent
There will be 2 errors in the form related to the missing combobox control. For the Y property of the Error Message label (shown below), we can replace the reference to DataCardValue4 (the deleted combobox control) with chkIsUrgent.
chkIsUrgent.Y + chkIsUrgent.HeightCode
Step 2 - Configure the Update property of the card
If(chkIsUrgent.Value = true,
'IsUrgent (Projects)'.Yes,
'IsUrgent (Projects)'.No

If you were re-creating this example for a different table, you would need to use this syntax to represent yes and no values
- 'YesNoFieldName (TableName)'.Yes
- 'YesNoFieldName (TableName)'.No
Step 3 - Configure the Default property of the checkbox
If (ThisItem.IsUrgent = 'IsUrgent (Projects)'.Yes, true, false)

At this point, we can run our app and use the checkbox to set the yes/no field.
Setting a Dataverse yes/no field with a checkbox isn't straightforward. This post walked though an example of how to convert a combobox on a form to a checkbox.
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