Excel - All you need to know about the 'Excel Online Business' connector
The traditional way of connecting to an Excel data source through the OneDrive connector imposes serious limitations on the number of records we can retrieve. We can overcome several of these with the Excel Online Business connector, but it introduces a different set of problems. This post introduces the 'Excel for Business' connector, and describes what you need to know.
How to use the Excel for Business connector.
To use this connector, we add a connection using the 'Excel Online (Business)' connector.
What are the limitations of the Excel Online (Business) connector?
For reference, the here's the link to the documentation.

What's the spreadsheet size limitation with the Excel for Business connector?
What are the row size limitations with the Excel for Business connector?
Is it possible to access rows above row 2000?
The most restrictive limitation of the OneDrive connector is that it is not delegable, and not possible to access records above row 2,000.
What functions and operations are delegable with the 'Excel for Business connector'?
To understand which functions and operators are delegable with the Excel for Business connector, I tested each available function and operator against a text column, and the reults are shown in the matrix beneath.
Function/ Operator | Delegable against Text columns |
Filter | Yes |
Sort | Yes |
SortByColumns | Yes |
Lookup | Yes |
=, <> | Yes |
StartsWith | Yes |
IsBlank | Yes |
Search | Yes |
As the screenshot beneath shows, there are no delegation warnings when we call the Search function to find records that contain the word "old" in the address field. As we can see from the PropertyID values, the result correctly displays records throughout the 64,000 table.

The 3 most limiting features of the Excel for Business Connector
So far, the Excel connector appears to perform very well. However, it suffers from at least 3 limitations, which we'll now examine.
Limitation 1 - Number columns are not supported
The first limitation is that the connector does not support numeric columns. Let's take the example of the price column in the spreadsheet beneath, which is correctly formatted as a number column (notice how the numbers in the cell are right aligned, which verifies that Excel correctly recognises the values as numbers).

This causes a problem because it prevents us from filtering numeric values using operators such as greater than/less than, and it also prevents us from sorting records in numeric ascending or descending order.
Limitation 2 - It's not possible to filter by date values
A second limitation is that although the Excel connector recognises date columns, it's not possible to filter by date columns. If we attempt to filter by a specific date, we receive the following error:

Limitation 3 - With text columns, it isn't possible to filter by more than one column
The third limitation is that we can filter by single column only. To highlight the severity of this issue, here's a quick demonstration. It's possible to filter for all records that match country "grenada". Notice here how the first such result relates to PropertyID 17.

Filter(Property, PropertyID="17" And Country="grenada")

Workaround - How to search or filter by multiple columns
To address the thrid limitation and to search or to filter by multiple columns, we can work around this issue by applying the "With" technique. Here, we apply a with statement to filter first by the condition that excludes most records. We then filter the output further by the second condition.With({grenada:Filter(Property, Country="grenada")},
Filter(grenada, StartsWith(Address1, "2"))

With({grenada:Filter(Property, Country="grenada")},
With({grenada2:Filter(grenada, StartsWith(Address1, "2"))},
Filter(grenada2, PropertyTypeID="2")

In order to work with larger Excel spreadsheets (up to 50MB and 64,000 rows) we can use the Excel for business connector. This provides better delegable support for filter operations, and a benefit is that it supports the use of the search function to carry out "contains" searches.- Categories:
- excel
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