Category: Designer

Designer - The upcoming ability to copy and paste source code from the designer will be a fantastic enhancement

A great feature coming soon is source code copy and paste functionality in the Power Apps editor. This post takes a glimpse at this new feature.

Designer - How to fix the problem with the formula bar not resizing

If the formula bar in Power Apps no longer resizes, here's how you can fix this problem.

What AI features are coming to Power Apps 2023?

What AI features are coming to Power Apps in 2023? This post summarises the recent announcements from Microsoft.

Templates - Discover UI inspiration ideas through community Power App templates on Figma

If you're designing an app and you need some inspiration for UI ideas, you can take a look at some of the free community templates that you can find through

Pages - Timer control now available in model app pages

If you develop canvas pages in model-driven apps, a limitation until recently is that the timer control was not supported. The great news is that we can now use the timer control in model-driven app pages

Designer - How to better collaborate with other app builders using the new comments feature

When building apps in Power Apps studio, we can now collaborate with other app builders by adding design time comments to apps. This post walks through this new functionality.

Apps - How to open Power Apps MSAPP files - 2022

Following the recent update to the Power Apps Studio UI, here's where to find the menu items to open and save local MSAPP files.