Blog - Recent Posts

Search - How to filter records by date ranges (eg today, this week, this month, etc)

A common requirement is to search records based on date ranges. Example date ranges could include records that have been entered today, this week, this month, this year, etc. This post demonstrates how to build this type of functionality.

Formula - converting centimeters/meters to feet and inches, and vice versa

When building apps, particularly for audiences that include US and European users, there is often the requirement to convert measurements from centimeters/meters to feet and inches. This post covers the basic formula to carry out this task.

Security - What's Azure ExpressRoute? An introduction

Azure ExpressRoute provides a more secure and reliable way to connect to resources that are hosted in the Microsoft cloud.

SharePoint - How to use radio buttons to set choice column values

To make it easier for users to enter a choice value when adding or editing a record, we can replace the default combobox control on a form with a radio control. This post walks though how to carry out this task.

Performance - Are network settings slowing down Power Apps?

It's useful to understand that the server infrastructure that Power Apps relies upon supports HTTP/2. Devices that fail to connect via HTTP/2 will perform more slowly. This post examines this behaviour in more detail.

SharePoint - How to programmatically set and clear single select choice items in a combo box on a form

There is often the requirement to programmatically set and clear combo box values with formula, and the syntax to do this may not be entirely clear. This post walks through a use case scenario of how to set and clear combo box values depending on the value of another control.

SharePoint - How to clear datetime fields/set an empty datetime value on a form

A problem that some app builders encounter is that on edit forms, clearing the value of a datetime field doesn't work. This post describes this issue in more detail.

Formula - Difference between round, square, and curly brackets

For app builders who are relatively new, the syntax for writing formula can be confusing - perticularly with regards to the use of brackets. This post summarises the bracket types that are available in Power Apps.

Search - How to highlight search terms in search results

We can improve the appearance and clarity of search screens by highlighting the search terms in the search results. This post highlights a method to apply this feature to a gallery control.

Data - How to check if a value falls within a certain range or tolerance

When performing calculations, it can be very useful to determine if an input value falls within a certain range tolerance level. This post describes one way to carry out this task.

Data - How to build, edit, update records in nested child tables

When working with collections, we may want to model a data structure that contains child tables. This post summarises the syntax to to create, edit, and to update records in child collections.

Data - How to rename field names in a record

From time to time, it may be necessary to rename a field name in a record. This post describes the formula to carry out this task.

Dataverse - How to retrieve FetchXML or SQL for Dataverse views

With, Dataverse It's possible to define views. Dataverse stores view definitions in a system table called 'Views'. We can interrogate this table to retrieve the SQL or the FetchXML for a table and this post examines this setup in more detail.

Data - The most effective ways to get a random record or row from a data source

If you want to select a random row or record from a data source, this post summarises the syntax that we can use.

Data - How to hide duplicate rows in a gallery / show distinct multiple columns in a gallery

A common requirement to show multiple distinct columns, or to hide duplicate rows in a gallery control. This post highlights a technique to carry out this task.