Blog - Recent Posts

Apps - The easiest way to determine the OS and browser details of the end user device

If you need to determine the OS and browser of the device that a user is using, this post describes the easiest way to carry out this task

DevOps - Quickstart guide to setting up DevOps and enabling multiple app builders to simultaneously edit canvas apps

Do you want to enable multiple app builders to work on the same canvas app by using a Git repro hosted in DevOps? If you've never done this before, here's a quick guide to main steps that are needed to setup DevOps.

Bug - What to do when the Power Apps editor shows an empty grey screen

If the Power Apps editor shows only a blank grey screen, here's how you can attempt to workaround the problem.

Apps - How to launch a child Power App in the Windows version of Power Apps

From a canvas app, if you want to launch another canvas app in the Windows version of Power Apps, here's how to carry out this task.

Controls - How to build a component for users to enter numbers with a set of connected slider and text input controls

This post describes how to build a component that allows users to enter numbers with a connected set of slider and text input controls. It also describes how to incorporate the component into a screen with an existing edit form.

Dates - How to format date day numbers with suffix (st nd rd th)

If you need to format or get the suffix for a day number (eg 1st, 2nd, 3rd), this post describes the formula you can use.

Dataverse - How to build an edit form to set the parent account for a contact record

A task that canvas apps builders struggle with, is how to set the parent account for contact record. The account lookup field doesn't appear in the form editor and doesn't appear to be editable in the data grid view. This post describes the behaviour walks through how to build an edit form in a canvas app that enables the user to set the parent account on a contact record.

How to split the URL parameter name and values from a hyperlink

If you need to parse hyperlinks and retrieve parameter values, this post describes how to carry out this task.

Dataverse - How to use a checkbox control a set a yes/no field in Dataverse

For users new to Dataverse, a common difficulty is how to build a form that sets Dataverse Yes/No Boolean fields with a checkbox or toggle control. This post describes how to configure such a form.

Sample App - Check out this great example of a calculator app

If you're looking for a great example of a calculator app in Power Apps, you should check this out.

Data - How to Validate UK National Insurance Numbers

Are you sure the National Insurance numbers you’re collecting are valid? This article walks through how to validate UK National Insurance numbers with Regex.

Dynamics 365 and Power Platform User Group Q3 2023 meetup -  A Night of Networking and Learning

Find out what happened at the Q3 2023 Reading UK Dynamics 365 and Power Platform User Group meetup in Reading, England.

AI - Tips for creating Dataverse tables with Co-Pilot

Copilot in Power Apps offers a far quicker and smoother way to create Dataverse tables. However, the way that it currently works can be quite quirky. Here are some tips on how to work more effectively with Copilot.

SQL - How to call SQL Server Stored procedures more easily with the help of Dataverse plugins

It's now possible to execute SQL Stored Procedures more directly from Power Apps. This post walks through a demonstration of how to do this.

Bug - What to do when the data section of the Power Apps Maker portal doesn't work

Currently, there is a bug that prevents connections from being created, shared, or edited from the Power Apps Maker portal. Here's what to do if you experience this problem.