Category: Code

Code - The new easier way to pack and unpack canvas app source code

If you're building canvas apps from source code, there's now a much easier way to unpack the source from a source MSAPP file, thanks to the "Power Platform VS Code Extension" for Visual Studio Code. This post describes this new feature.

How Power App builders can more easily connect to code that has been written by pro-developers

Coming soon will be the release of the 'Visual Studio Extensions for Power Platform' - a feature that will allow app builders to more easily integrate features that are built by pro-developers. This post takes a first look at this feature.

Code - How to define a read-only table of static data

From a code project, how do we define a static read-only structure of data, just like what we see when we import static Excel data into an app? In this post, we'll find out where to define this in a project.

Code - Where do we define datasource, table, and field definitions?

In a code project, where is the code that defines the datasources, table, and field definitions? This post describes the relevant places and as an experiment, we'll see whether or not we can hack the data type definition of a SharePoint field. The purpose of this is to try to a bug where Power Apps doesn't recognise numeric calculated SharePoint columns as numbers.

Code - Template Apps - How to unhide/re-enable the data panel

By using the code designer, it's possible to hack the behaviour of how an app appears in Power Apps Studio. In this post, we'll examine the manifest file of a canvas app and look at how to modify the contents to unhide the data panel of an app.

Intro - How to build Canvas Apps with code

An exciting new experimental feature is the ability to extract and to edit the source code of canvas apps. This enables us to develop apps outside of Power Apps studio, integrate with source control systems, and to take advantage that more powerful IDEs such as Visual Studio Code offer. This post introduces this topic, and I'll describe how we can create a simple 'hello world' screen using Visual Studio Code.