
What is "Low Code 3.0"?

Have you heard of the terms "Low Code 3.0", "Low Code 2.0", or "Low Code 1.0"? Find out what these terms mean in this post.

Ryan Cunningham's (Microsoft's Vice President for Power Apps) interview with Phil Topness mentioned terms that were new to me, including "Low Code 3.0" and earlier versions of Low Code. What exactly is "Low Code 3.0"?

In this video (, Ryan discusses how IT decision-makers must pay attention to Low Code in order to address three important challenges:  Transformation (digitally keeping ahead of competitors), Trust (security/compliance), and Talent (shortage of IT professionals).

To describe how we've arrived at where we are today, Ryan uses the following terms to track the evolution of Low Code.

Low Code 1.0

The first iteration of low code facilitated "shadow IT". That is, systems deployed by departments other than a central IT department, to work around the perceived or actual shortcomings of the central information systems.

Excel, Access, and VBA are examples of Low Code 1.0 platforms.

Low Code 2.0

Low Code 2.0 describes the evolution in low code that has resulted in multiple smaller companies and platforms, each focusing on a specific area.

Whilst Low Code 2.0 has improved "velocity", the speed and rate at which we can develop solutions, it has resulted in far greater management overhead, and has exacerbated the security and compliance concerns that exist with Low Code (ie, the "trust" problem).

Low Code 3.0

Low Code 3.0 addresses the fragmentation issue of Low Code 2.0 by rationalising and centralising multiple platforms.

It describes a corporate IT Low Code strategy that is CIO driven, encompasses best practices, and is scalable (that is, the ability to start very simply and to scale up).


The conclusion from all of this is that the Power Platform offers a great platform that can help deliver Low Code 3.0, the version that will define low code for the next several years. It's particularly important that organisations have a corporate low code strategy in order to address the modern-day challenges of transformation, trust, and talent.