
What happened at the Power Apps track at the Low Code Power Summit 2024?

The Low Code Power Summit in London was an amazing event - here's what happened at the Power Apps track.

On a glorious Saturday morning at the Microsoft headquarters in London, hundreds of attendees from across the UK and Europe attended the Power platform Summit.

Along with a group of speakers, helpers, and members of the Microsoft community, I had the privilege of being part of this event.

There were 5 tracks that covering following categories - Enterprise Power Platform, Power Apps, Automation, Advanced, and ALM.

On the Power Apps track that I looked after, the attendees were treated to sessions from the following speakers - Eickhel Mendoza, Alaa Bitar, Victor Dantas, Jorgen Shladot, Jon Voge/Chris Hansen, Ludovic Perrichon.

The Power Apps track covered a wide range of topics. Starting with Alaa's talk on custom connectors, his session demonstrated how to connect to SAP, and how to address the difficulty of working with APIs that require authentication cookies/keys to be retrieved and passed in subsequent post actions.

Eickhel gave a great session on the convergence of canvas and model-driven apps, including the use of custom pages. Next, Victor demonstrated the use of co-pilot to simplify the development of Power pages,

In the afternoon, it was a great pleasure to hear Jorgen's session on Power FX, the modern command bar, and low code plugins. The remainder of the afternoon included some very interesting tips and debugging advice from Jon, Chris, and Ludovic.

I'd like to extend my thanks to all of these speakers, many of whom have travelled considerable distances to attend. The biggest thanks goes out to Raz who worked tremendously hard organising this event.

Next year (2025) will be the 10th anniversary of this conference and I look forward to this milestone event.