Category: Datetime

Dataverse - How to fix error - This operation cannot be performed on values of different Date Time Behaviors

If you encounter the error "this operation cannot be performed on values which are of different Date Time Behaviors", this post describes the cause and fix for this error.

Datetime - Preventing user manipulation of the current time - how to retrieve a server date time value

If you want to retrieve the current date and time in a way that can't be manipulated by the user changing the device time, here's a technique you can use.

Dates - How to display minutes as hours/minutes, and days/hours/minutes

If you need to convert an input value in minutes into hours and minutes, this post describes the formula to carry out this task.

Formula - How to round times to the nearest x minutes

When working with dates and times, a common requirement is to round times up or down to the nearest X minutes. This post describes the formula to carry out this task.

Dates - How to convert dates to Islamic Hijri format

Where we need to convert Gregorian date to Islamic Hijri dates, a quick and simple way to carry out this task is to import a static table of lookup values. This post walks through how to apply this technique.

Data - How to filter records by a specific date, today's date, or range of dates

A common requirement to filter a list of records by date. This post describes the formula to carry out three common tasks - how to filter records by a specific date, today's date, or a range of dates. We also cover the formula to return all dates, if the user does not select a date.

Formulas - how to return all days or working days in a month

They can often be the requirement to return all working days in a month, particularly in cases where we develop timesheet or reporting type apps. This post describes the formula to carry out this task.

Dataverse - How to calculate durations with calculated columns

We can use calculated columns to calculate the difference between two date/time values. The available functions that apply to date fields work only between columns of the same behaviour type. This can cause problems, mostly in cases where we need to calculate an elapsed duration with the help of the Now() function. This post examines this issue, and offers a quick overview on how to define a calculated column.