Category: Charts

Charts - How to create donut charts

A common way to build donut charts is to create an SVG image that represents the chart. This post introduces this technique and describes the formula to set donut chart values.

Charting - If you want to add Gantt chart capabilities to a canvas app, you should check this out

At today's community call (16 June 21), Terho Antila gave a great demonstration of his gantt chart app. If you want to add gnatt chart capabilities to a canvas app, I highly recommend that you take a look at this.

Charts - How to extend canvas apps with additional chart types

If you find the built-in charts types are too limiting, it's possible to access a range of additional chart types chart types by using the Canviz Power Apps Chart Components. This offers several additional chart types that include radar, funnel, scatter, candlestick, and gantt charts.