
Accounts - Will Power Apps soon support multiple work accounts in the same browser session?

A great upcoming feature is that Microsoft 365 will soon allow users to sign into multiple work accounts, and to switch accounts without needing to sign out and back in again. Will this feature apply to Power Apps?

When working with Power Apps and other Microsoft cloud services, it's currently very difficult to work with multiple accounts. This is particularly relevant for app builders that build apps for multiple companies or organisations.

The good news (as reported on the Neowin website) is that there's a planned release in April 2022 that provides the ability to switch Microsoft 365 accounts from within a browser session.

If this goes to plan, the hope is that Power App builders will be able to switch accounts without needing to sign out and to sign back in again.

Whilst there are no details as to how this will work in the "Microsoft 365 roadmap documentation" (shown below), the most likely implementation is that Microsoft will add a menu item in the head/profile icon which will allow users to switch organisations from within a browser session.

How to work with multiple Power App accounts for multiple organisations

In the meantime, how do app builders manage working with accounts from multiple organisations?

The easiest way is to create separate browser profiles, one for each organisation. From Chrome or Edge, we can do this via the profile/head icon in the toolbar.

From Firefox, a great feature is the 'container tabs'. With container tabs, we can "switch profiles" at a browser tab level, which is less obtrusive than opening an entire browser window under the context of a different profile.


Building Power Apps using different accounts for different organisations is awkward, as we currently need to log out and log back in to change accounts. A proposed new feature for Microsoft 365 in April 2022 will hopefully make it possible to switch accounts without needing to log out and back in again.