
Formulas - Generating Row Numbers - Part 3

A common requirement is to generate sequential row numbers. In this post, I highlight a great technique that Randy Hayes demonstrates, which carries out this task.

A common and important requirement is to generate sequential row numbers. This is a topic that I have posted about previously.

Historically, this task has been complex, but the introduction of the Sequence function in 2020 makes it much simpler. A great demonstrate is the following video by Randy Hayes (which I recommend watching).

In this video, Randy describes how how to apply alternate row colours to items in a gallery control. This process requires a sequential row number to provide a basis on which we can define odd and even rows. We can then the apply the row background colour based on whether the row is odd or even.

The great thing about this technique is the short and succinct formula to number the rows in the data source.

With({data: DataSource},

We can use this formula in the items property of a data control (such as a gallery), or we can incorporate it with a call to Collect/ClearCollect to fill a collection.

In essence, this formula calls the sequence function to generate a sequence of numbers which matches the number of items in the data source.The call to ForAll loops over the sequence, and produces an output table that includes a rowNumber field against each record.

In cases where we need to generate row numbers and we're not too concerned about sequencing the output in a precise manner (because ForAll can process rows in parallel), this offers a great solution that is short and simple.